September 8 - Too Big

We have churches full of incomplete Christians who mastered belief, knowledge, and acceptance, but never see any real life change. If that's you, the bad news is that you have a battle ahead of you. The good news is that it's not the battle you think.

(Part three of our series "The Gate")

Click here for video of the entire service.

September 1 - Pigs and Pearls

What did Jesus mean when he said not to give our pearls to pigs? Are there some people not worthy of the gospel message? As we'll see today, Matthew 7:6 is a key to help us understand a mistake we keep making in our relationship to others.

(Part two of our series "The Gate")

Click here to watch this message.

August 18 - Zero Points

We will be in heaven by the grace of God and the work of Jesus alone. There is nothing we can do to earn it. So why bother with the rules at all?

(Part one of our series "The Gate")

Click here for video of the entire service.

July 14 - Remain In Me

We have made Christianity more difficult than it has to be. Jesus condensed it down to two commands - Love God and Love People. But if that wasn't simple enough, Jesus went a step further and condensed the life of faith down to one single word.

Click here for video of the entire service.