April 21 - Gnats and Camels

It's time for Christians to walk away from the Donkeys and the Elephants. There's a better animal for those who are serious about making this world a better place.

(Part two of our series, "In God We Trust")

Click here for video of the entire service.

April 7 - Completely Natural

Jesus said that if we believed, we could do the same things that he did. But there don't seem to be any Christians walking on water or feeding thousands of people with one small lunch. So what was Jesus talking about?

Click here for video of the message.

March 24 - Messengers (Isaiah 52)

"You can't see it yet, but the war is over!" The world is a mess, but our job as Christians isn't to fix it. Our job is to announce it has already been fixed. We announce that message by living lives of peace, goodness, and salvation.

(Part eight of our series "Watch and See: Isaiah 40-66")

Click here for video of the entire service.

March 10 - We (Isaiah Part 7)

If we are going to be serious about dealing with the world's sin, we're going to have to make a vocabulary change.

(Part seven of our series "Watch and See: Isaiah 40-66")

Click here for video of the entire service.

March 3 - A Well-Instructed Tongue (Isaiah 50 & 51)

Before Jesus could be a teacher, or a shepherd, or a savior, he had to be a student. That should be our primary job title as well. When we go from "believer" to "student" it transforms everything about our Christian experience.

(Part six of our series, "Watch and See: Isaiah 40-66")

Click here for video of the entire service.

February 25 - Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery at Indian Hills is now 9 years old. Today, Mike Crowe leads us through what makes this such an important part of IHCC's ministry.

(Our series on Isaiah resumes next week)

Click here for video of the entire service.

February 18 - This is What the Lord Says (Isaiah 49)

Isaiah shows us that Jesus coming to earth wasn't just a mission of salvation. It was God himself stepping into history to show his personality, his dedication, and his love.

(Part five of our series, "Watch and See: Isaiah 40-66")

Click here for video of the entire service.